STD Test, Symptoms & Treatment, Trusted HK STD Clinic
Essential STD screening

Common STD Tests and Symptoms, STD Clinic in HK

Sexually transmitted diseases(STDs) are diseases transmitted through sexual behavior. STD test is suggested if you have any symptoms after sexual exposure. Anyone who has multiple sexual partners or uncertain sexual partners’ STD records may suffer from more than one type of STD. It is suggested to go to the reputable STD clinic in HK.

Common STD in HK

STDs include a variety of diseases, which includes:

ChlamydiaGenital warts (HPV)
Gardnerella vaginalisMycoplasma

Urban Medical provides

  • 8-24 hours Express results, No Extra Fee is needed.
  • Provides free professional consultation services to explain and provide assistance before testing.
  • To ensure the success rate of sample-taking procedure, HPV sample will be taken by well-trained staff.
  • To ensure the privacy, convenience, safety and avoid embarrassment , we provide our own washroom for patients to leave urine sample.
  • Prepayment or deposit is not required. Payment is settled after the sample collection.

Causes of STD

STDs are generally caused by bacteria, viruses or parasites.

Common STD symptoms

Different STDs will have different symptoms, and some STDs will have no symptoms, some female patients will even be particularly difficult to detect. If you have ever had unsafe sex, you are suggested to check if it is infected by STDs. Common symptoms of STDs include:

  • Unknown discharge found in the penis/vagina
  • Pain or discomfort when urinating
  • Red rashes, ulcers, blisters or warts on the genital area
  • Genital itching or allergies

STD Tests to check if you are infected

You can go to some trusted STD testing centers for STD examinations, or receive a doctor's examination. Professionals will use swabs to collect samples of genitals or related parts, or through blood or urine tests, to diagnose whether you have a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, all your sexual partners are also recommended to be checked.

Comprehensive STI Screening    Essential STI Screening    Urine STI Screening

STD Treatment

Bacterial-caused STDs can be treated by taking antibiotics and other drugs. Patients must comply with all the drugs prescribed by the doctor in order to effectively and completely cure STDs. In addition, sexual partners who have been infected should also be checked and treated at the same time, otherwise, you may be infected again.

For patients who have been infected by a virus, treatment or other methods can greatly reduce the discomfort caused by the symptoms, or help reduce the chance of recurrence.

While receiving treatment, you should adopt safe sex or avoid any sexual contact to avoid spreading sexually transmitted diseases to others, and you should remember to follow the guidelines to complete the entire course of treatment.

To ensure complete cure and control of STDs, you must still undergo follow-up examinations by a doctor or clinic after you recover.


Stages of Syphilis with symptoms

Syphilis infection can be divided into four stages(Symptoms):

Syphilis infection - Phase 1

  • The place where the virus enters the body includes one or more painless syphilis ulcers in the anus or oral cavity of the sex organs
  • Syphilis ulcers can last for three to six weeks without medication and can recover and heal
  • If the patient is not treated and treated in time, he will enter the second stage of syphilis infection

Syphilis infection - Phase 2

  • The patient will have different symptoms including fever, neck and genital lymphatic swelling, pain, headache, joint pain, muscle aches, fatigue, and rashes on the palms and feet
  • Gray-white verrucous lesions appear on warm and humid parts of the body, including the genitals or oral cavity
  • Most symptoms will disappear without treatment
  • If the patient is not treated and treated in time, he will enter the recessive phase of syphilis infection

Syphilis Recessive period

  • Recessive syphilis infection can last for many years. During the incubation period of syphilis, the patient will not have visible symptoms of syphilis.
  • If patients do not receive treatment, about 30% of patients will develop third-stage syphilis infection

Syphilis infection - The third stage

  • The third stage syphilis infection is very serious and can appear 10 to 30 years after infection, and severe cases can lead to death
  • The third-stage syphilis infection affects and destroys different organs of the body, including the brain, eyes, heart, blood vessels, liver, bones and joints, as well as the nervous system

Syphilis Tests


Common symptoms of gonorrhea generally include:

symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men and Women

Gonorrhea in men

  • Painful urination.
  • Yellow, green or white discharge from the penis.

Gonorrhea in women

  • Painful urination
  • Increased discharge from the vagina
  • Abnormal bleeding between periods.

10% of male and 50% of female patients have no obvious symptoms, resulting in a large number of positive cases not being tested and timely treatment. Delays and neglect of treatment can lead to serious complications such as: testicular infection, prostate infection, male infertility , Chronic pelvic pain or pelvic inflammatory disease (which can cause permanent damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes), ectopic pregnancy and infertility.

Gonorrhea Test


Chlamydia infection is a common sexually transmitted infection caused by chlamydia. The main cause of transmission is through sexual contact. The incubation period is about 7 to 21 days.

Around 50% of male and 70% of female patients have no obvious symptoms, resulting in a large number of positive cases not being tested and receiving timely treatment. Delays and neglect of treatment can lead to serious complications such as:

  • Testicular infection
  • Prostate infection
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (which can cause permanent damage to the uterus and fallopian tubes)
  • Ectopic pregnancy and
  • Infertility

Chlamydia Test


AIDS is caused by the HIV virus. The HIV virus destroys the human immune system, making the patient's body unable to normally resist disease invasion. People infected with the HIV virus may still be in good health for several years, but after a certain period of time, the infected person will contract certain special diseases as the immune system weakens, such as opportunistic infections or malignant tumors. By then he became an AIDS patient.

HIV Symptoms for early stage

During acute HIV infection, some people may experience flu-like symptoms 2-4 weeks after HIV infection. The symptoms may last for a few days to several weeks, which may include:

HIV symptoms - HIV body rash
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Rash
  • Night sweats
  • Muscle pain
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Sore throat
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea

These symptoms are non-specific and not everyone will exhibit symptoms during acute HIV infection. Around 50% of AIDS-infected people have no acute symptoms in the initial stage. If you think you have been exposed to HIV, the only way to know for sure is to get HIV tested.

HIV Tests

Genital warts

It is caused by some type of HPV infections, eg. HPV6 & HPV11. Unlike general skin warts, Genital warts are transmitted by direct skin contact and direct contact with the genitals during sexual activity (including oral sex). The general incubation period can be very long, ranging from one month to eight months, with an average of three month.

HPV genital warts in men and women

HPV Symptoms in Women

In women, genital warts can appear on :

  • vulva,
  • urethra,
  • cervix,
  • vagina,
  • anus, or

HPV Symptoms in Men

In men, warts may appear on :

  • penis,
  • scrotum,
  • anus, or
  • thighs.

Genital Warts(HPV) Test

Genital herpes (HSV)

It is commonly caused by HSV-1 or 2, it is transmitted from mucous membranes or skin wounds with herpes on the patient's genitals. The most common transmission behavior is sexual intercourse. The incubation period averages about 2 to 5 days.

Symptoms of genital herpes

In Men

  • Pain or itchiness of the genitals,
  • One of more small blisters around the mouth, genitals or rectum,
  • The blisters can rupture and causes painful ulcers
  • Inflammation of the urethra
  • Inflammation of the rectum

In Women

  • Pain or itchiness of the genitals,
  • One of more small blisters around the mouth, genitals or rectum,
  • The blisters can rupture and causes painful ulcers.
  • Inflammation of the cervix
  • Inflammation of the rectum

The HSV virus can remain dormant for years, and reactivation leads to recurrent outbreaks, which usually have shorter duration and less severe symptoms.

Genital Herpes Tests



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