Treatment of Syphilis

Treatment of Syphilis

The treatment of syphilis has not changed much since decades ago. The first choice of treatment is to inject penicillin, also known as penicillin (benzathine penicillin G). If you are allergic to penicillin, you can switch to the oral antibiotic doxycycline, also known as Doxycycline or Tetracycline. For patients treated early, the effect is usually better.

Middle and late syphilis treatment

If syphilis has progressed to the middle or advanced stage, the treatment time will be prolonged and the treatment complexity will increase.  It will be more troublesome if syphilis has caused substantial organ damage, it may not be easily cured even if treated, so early detection and treatment must be done. Patients should not think that they will be immune to syphilis in the future. People who have suffered from syphilis still have a chance to be infected again. Moreover, there is not only syphilis in this world, but also other venereal diseases!

Side effects of syphilis treatment

One of the side effects of syphilis treatment is the Ya-Hertz reaction. This side effect often occurs within an hour and lasts for 24 hours with fever, muscle pain, headache and rapid heartbeat. It is caused by the release of lipoproteins (endotoxin) by the ruptured syphilis, which causes the immune system to release cytokines.



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