Balanitis, Symptoms & Treatment | Urban Medical


Balanitis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin caused by the glans (head of the penis), commonly seen in uncircumcised men. Balanitis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it can be caused by sexual activity.

Causes of Balanitis

Balanitis is often caused by bacterial, fungal or other pathogenic infection of the head of the penis. However, the irritation of the glans skin by chemicals can also lead to balanitis. If the penis has wound, it is more likely to be infected and cause balanitis.

  • Infection due to sexual activity
  • friction trauma
  • Allergies from contact with clothing
  • Irritants such as: drugs, urine, smegma, soap, spermicide, etc.

Symptoms of Balanitis

Common balanitis symptoms can appear on the penis or foreskin:

  • Redness of the penis or foreskin (erythema)
  • rash on the glans or foreskin
  • sore or itchy glans
  • Foul-smelling discharge from infected skin

Types of Balanitis

It can be classified by bacteria, molds or pathogens that cause balanitis

  • Acute superficial balanitis (caused by trauma)
  • Bacterial balanitis (Lactobacillus, Atopoiella, etc.)
  • candidal balanitis
  • Trichomonas balanitis
  • Chlamydia balanitis
  • HPV balanitis
  • Syphilis balanitis, etc.

Balanitis treatment

Doctors treat different causes of infections with different medicines, which may include some topical or oral antibiotics. In many cases, balanitis examinations are carried out so that targeted drugs can be used, which greatly improves the treatment effect and reduces unnecessary pain.

Ways to prevent balanitis

Pay attention to the cleaning of the penis and avoid using harsh soaps Circumcision to reduce recurrent inflammation of the glans

Candidal Balanitis

The incidence of male candidal balanitis is increasing, and the main reason is related to sexual contact. Anyone who has sexual intercourse with women suffering from candidal vaginitis is easily infected; secondly, contact with indirect objects, such as other people's underwear and bath towels , baths, etc., plus if the foreskin is too long, Candida proliferates in the inner plate of the foreskin, the coronal sulcus and the glans.

It has been found that 69.4% of men who have sexual contact with patients with candida vaginitis have genital infections, and those with candida vaginitis have 4 times the detection rate of candida on the penis of their husbands than those without vaginitis.

Symptoms of candidal balanitis

  • Mild flushing, dryness and smoothness of the foreskin and glans of the penis
  • White cheese-like patches on the inner plate of the foreskin and the coronal sulcus of the glans
  • If the scrotum is infected, a scaly erythematous rash may be seen on the contact surface with the penis, with obvious itching
  • If the urethra is infected, frequent urination and urgency may occur.
  • In a small number of patients, the foreskin edema is obviously accompanied by itching, and small ulcers may appear

Repeated episodes of candidal balanitis can cause local changes such as dry cracks and fibrosis. The treatment of the disease is generally topical antifungal ointment, or oral antifungal drugs in severe cases.



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