Balanitis and Bacterial Vaginosis Screening
Balanitis & Bacterial Vaginosis Screening
  • 8-24 hours Express results, No Extra Fee is needed.
  • Provides free professional consultation services to explain and provide assistance before testing.
  • To ensure the success rate of sample-taking procedure, HPV sample will be taken by well-trained staff.
  • To ensure the privacy, convenience, safety and avoid embarrassment , we provide our own washroom for patients to leave urine sample.
  • Prepayment or deposit is not required. Payment is settled after the sample collection.
Test itemsBalanitis/Bacterial Vaginosis DNA Screening  
(8 items)
STD & Balanitis/Bacterial Vaginosis DNA Screening 
(15 items)
Comprehensive Bacterial Vaginosis / Balanitis DNA Screening 
(21 / 23 items)
Balanitis/Bacterial Vaginosis DNA Screening
Candida albicans
Gardnerella vaginalis
A. vaginae
BV-assoc Bac 2
B. fragilis
Lactobacillus spp.
Megaspaera type 1
Mobiluncus spp.
STD DNA Screening
Chlamydia trachomatis 
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 
Ureaplasma urealyticum 
Ureaplasma parvum 
Mycoplasma genitalium 
Mycoplasma hominis 
Trichomonas vaginalis 
Comprehensive Bacterial Vaginosis / Balanitis DNA Screening Package (21 / 23 items) provides Screening Panels of Comprehensive Bacterial Vaginosis / Balanitis DNA Screening  (Choose 1 of 2 as below)
Candidiasis / Candida Balanitis DNAUTI/Prostate culture Test w/ST  
C. kruseiE. coli  |
C. glabrataEnterococcus spp.  |
C. lusitaniaePseudomonas spp.  |
C. tropicalisProteus spp.  |
C. dubliniensisKES group (Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia spp.)  |
C. parapsilosisProvidencia and Morganella spp.  |
 Staphylococcus spp.         ●
 Citrobacter spp.         ●
Turnaround Time :8-24 hours8-24 hours8-48 hours
 Sample : SwabUrine & SwabUrine & Swab
Remark :Samples are taken by male/female staff to ensure the accuracy of sampling process.
Our centre provide an internal toilet take urine samples to ensure the privacy, convenience and safety of customers and avoid embarrassing situations.
The turnaround time only counts the number of working days. Saturday afternoon, Sunday and public holidays are not counted as working days.


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